Green design-build’s Weblog

Just another weblog

Energy Crazy August 8, 2008

Filed under: energy efficiency,Green — greendesignbuild @ 3:22 pm
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For those of you who have not yet visited the highly amusing and energy obsessed site Unscrew America I highly recommend it. The site design and programing alone make it worth visiting. The message is pretty simple; Change your bulbs! I found the videos to be not only a waste of time but totally disappointing. The hidden treasure on the site comes when you go turn off the catchy music that plays without break while on the site.

Unscrew America is brought to you by the Gore group who’s hearts are in the right place. They are not here to push the envelope or convince us to make serious changes in the way we live. They know that we can at least slow down the rapidly deteriorating state of things.

I heard it said best at a conference I attended a while back; You are driving along at night and you hear on the radio that the bridge is out ahead. Concerned, you slow from 65mph to 30 mph.

The problem folks is that the bridge is still out. Slowing down just means that you end up in the same place a little later. What we need to do is either turn this bus around, stop and help re-build the bridge, or find a new direction to travel.